
Headwaters Alliance (HWA) has deep roots in the Creede community. The brain-child of Guinevere Nelson, long-time director of the Willow Creek Reclamation Committee, HWA was founded in 2016 to support and continue the incredible work accomplished by the Willow Creek Reclamation Committee (WCRC) over the past 22 years. HWA is proud to build upon the legacy of this small group of determined citizens who laid the foundation for community driven mining reclamation work within a community that loves its mining history. The work completed through volunteerism by the WCRC continues to benefit the community and remains an expression of dedicated stewardship.

Join us for upcoming events. Click the Calendar Link above.

Our mission…

HWA will cultivate the sustainable environmental and economic future for the Rio Grande headwaters through community engagement, restoration, education and innovation.

We focus on…

Watershed Conservation

Our water quality sampling, Water Quality Databank, and water use planning acknowledge the core importance of water and watershed well being. Furthermore, they enliven the ecological health and function of our watersheds by addressing legacy mining (Nelson Tunnel/Commodore Waste Rock Superfund Site), stream and forest restoration, best practices related to climate science, community education, and stewardship of our dark sky.

Restoration & Reclamation

We treasure both our rich mining history and the ongoing, community-led reclamation work. Through education, restoration projects and partnerships, we aim to rectify past legacy mining impacts and to improve both the health of the Willow Creek watershed and the social health of our community.

Community Engagement

We welcome you – our neighbors and friends on Willow Creek and the Rio Grande to join us for events, to volunteer, to stop by and share ideas! Stay tuned via Facebook, Instagram and the Mineral County Miner. Check out our calendar here.

Our Night Sky

Skies with visible blankets of stars are becoming harder to find and therefore are in need of protection. The night sky, not only inspires us with it’s beauty and vastness, it also enhances certain qualities of solace that living things depend on, both naturally and culturally. Our night sky is an important player in a multi-faceted ecosystem and we aim to do our part in preserving it.